Sunday, January 18, 2009

Check ups and what nots

The girls had their yearly check ups this past week. It went good until they had to receive the flu shot. You would have thought they were being murdered with all the crying and screaming they did! Hannah weighs in at 30 lbs and is 38 3/4 inches tall! She is on the low end for her weight, but nothing to be concerned about. Claire is 35 lbs and 43 inches tall. Again, a little low on the weight but healthy.

Brandon's birthday is on Tuesday. He is going to go skiing on Thursday with a group of friends to celebrate. Tuesday is also the day I have to pick up the registration packet for Claire to go to kindergarten. I still can't believe that we are at this stage..... it has gone so fast!

The girls' party is this weekend. My mom comes up on Wednesday, which will be a great help. I have a lot of cleaning and organizing to do around here to get things ready. Of course I still have homework and work that needs to be accomplished as well. Always a list of things to do, and not enough time.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Officially a Kid

I am officially a mother of a kid. Not a newborn, not a baby, not a toddler. A kid. Claire is 5 now. I can not believe it. She has gotten so big and it has gone so fast. I look at her and wonder what happened, how did she get to be so big! I feel like I have failed her in so many ways and I want to be a better mom. I want to look back on my parenting and feel that I have accomplished something and not hindered my daughters. I have really struggled with this and want to be so much more for my girls. So pray for me. That I can change and that I make an effort. I know what needs to be done, or rather, what I need to stop doing. It is just enforcing it.