Sunday, November 23, 2008

A full week

What a week. It was my first week of full time and it was busy to say the least. By Friday I was exhausted! Working is a huge blessing as we were in dire circumstances financially. I am so grateful to be able to provide for some of our family's needs. It is just going to take time to get used to. I am seeing how my girls are affected, Claire really is missing me. I feel guilty but in my core know I am doing the right thing. Brandon is able to spend a whole lot more time with them and I think that their relationship is going to flourish. I am learning to squeeze out as much time as I can with them. We have had lots of cuddle time in the evenings and I love it! This next week they will only go to daycare on Monday because Brandon has Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday off and I have Thursday and Friday off. We are going to go up to CEM in Grass Valley for Thanksgiving. On Friday we are going to decorate for Christmas and on Saturday we are going to go see Annie the Musical. Lots of change and lots of good things, just takes time to adjust.

Monday, November 17, 2008


So today was my first full day at work. The girls went to daycare for 4 hours. I was so anxious about this, but they did really well. They are going to a gal from our church and I feel really comfortable about the arrangement. Claire is not thrilled with going, but says she had a good time. So far Brandon's schedule has worked in our favor. I am praying that he can get it permanently changed to work from 130-10pm on Mon, Tue, and Fri so that the girls are with him in the mornings. He is off on Wed and Thurs already. This will allow them to only have minor changes in their routine. I am fortunate enough to be close enough to still do preschool pick up and Brandon does morning drop off. I feel so blessed that God has provided all these open doors and I am faithfully relying on Him to continue to carry us through.

Brandon returned from Mexico and I was SO EXCITED to have him home! It was a challenging 5 days. He had a wonderful trip and God really softened his heart and gave him a greater appreciation for what he has. He wants to go to Brazil in the summer so we are prayerfully considering this. I am not sure how it will work out financially, but then again God has often left me in suspense in this area only to come through in ways I could not even imagine! I am sure that He can and will do it again if He wants Brandon in Brazil!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


My life has drastically changed as I have gotten a job (finally! Thank you God). While this is a good change, it is still a change which is hard. I happened to get my new job the same week Brandon was due to leave for Mexico on a mission trip. I have scrambled around all week arranging childcare and it has all worked out. A bit stressful, but nonetheless it worked. I start full time next week and have found a great daycare provider for the girls. My prayer right now is that Brandon can get his schedule permanently changed to a closing shift. This will allow him to be home until 1pm and will not only cut down on childcare expenses, but also allow the girls to be home more. All I can do is wait and pray and see what happens. I have faith that it will work out.

So, Brandon left for Mexico yesterday morning at 6am. The girls were really sad that he was going, but they are doing okay. It has been a long couple of days but we are surviving. Yesterday afternoon we were driving in the car and playing "I Spy" when all of the sudden Hannah said, "wait! I need to pray for daddy!" She then said a prayer for him to be safe in Mexico and build lots of houses for people who need them. It was a very sincere and sweet prayer. Claire prayed after her, then I. I love that my kids are thinking to pray without my prompting. It makes me feel like I am doing something right in my parenting!

The weekend is almost here and I am glad! Brandon will return Sunday night and I am looking forward to seeing him! I am also looking forward to spending time with my girls as it has been hard being away from the during the day.