Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I haven't posted in a LONG time. Life is moving forward at such a rapid speed; I often have a hard time slowing down long enough to catch my breath! Here we are in November. The holidays are staring me in the face. I always feels stressed and panicked this time of year. So much to do; preparations to be made, gifts to be bought, holiday shows, family... I always try to remind myself to slow down and enjoy the season. And yet, come January and I always feel like I missed the magic of the holidays. This year I want it to be different. I want to slow down, breath deep and enjoy. Sure I still have shopping to do, family to visit, and meals to cook, but I want to savor the moments. I am going to be intentional about this this year. Let's see what happens come January!

 In other news, our crazy busy life is just buzzing on by. I am almost finished with my 4th semester of grad school. This has been the hardest semester by far. I wasn't sure that I could continue, but now that I am entering my MONTH LONG BREAK, I am feeling more optimistic. I have had to face some tough topics in my classes these past few months. I felt like I was staring down all of my inadequacies at once. I was feeling so broken; and uncertain that I am equipped to be a therapist. I am learning the value of keeping the perspective on today- I can only do my best for today and not let the worries of the future consume me.

Claire is in 3rd grade. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She continues to amaze me. She is SO smart, compassionate, and curious about life. I find it hard to believe that she will be 9 in a month and 1/2. She is continuing to do ballet; this is her 4th year in it. She has also taken on Jazz this year and is having fun in class. I am so proud of the young lady that she is becoming and hope that I can mentor her into adolescence well!

Hannah is in 2nd grade. She is blossoming into such a neat kid. She has fallen in love with reading this year; I am so happy for her! She is taking tap and jazz and loves both her classes. I am amazed at her as well; she has such a funny, compassionate spirit.

Brandon is such a hard-worker and a terrific husband/dad. I couldn't juggle work and school without his support. I am honored to be his wife and proud of his desire to be a good provider. We have been together 12 years now and I wouldn't change a day of it. We have had many ups and downs, but through it all we have grown closer and stronger.

 I hope to find time to slow down and capture memories and moments more often. I know someday I will look back and be thankful that I have recorded snippets of this time.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A special day

Today was a very special day. Hannah turned 7 today. My baby is getting big! But, that is not the only celebration we had today. Both Claire and Hannah got baptized today! My heart is full of joy! I am so honored to be mom to these two girls! It was an amazing experience seeing them both profess their love for Christ. Pastor Brad and Brandon baptized each of them. I still am tearing up as I am remembering back to this amazing afternoon. What joy!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A New Year

2012. Wow! I can hardly believe how fast the past year has flown by. So much life has been lived in 2011; I started a grad program, Claire started a new school, gymnastics, piano, ballet, tap.... the list goes on and on. Our lives are very rich and full. Sometimes I can hardly stop to catch my breath! I love being busy. Don't get me wrong, I love having a full schedule. I thrive with the crazy afternoons rushing from school to swim! But, I also think that in the craziness I loose the magical moments. I don't take time to stop, even if just for a moment, and enjoy my family. I quickly find myself with no patience. So for 2012, I am making it my goal to slow down in the midst of a full schedule and enjoy the little moments. I want to look back on this year and see glimmers of joy, love, patience, and peace.

Here is to 2012! It is going to be a great year! I just know it!