Thursday, October 1, 2009

Too busy to be sick

I have been sick all week. I have the flu and it has hit me HARD. I am finally starting to feel better, but still sluggish. I have alot to catch up on with school since I have done nothing all week. I hope that if Brandon and the kids get this, that they get it quick so they aren't sick on our vacation. I also have to start getting serious about our vacation- a whopping 16 days from now. While that might seem like plenty of time, it isn't because we have a very full 2 weeks ahead of us. There is never a dull moment, is there?

Claire is settling into school quite well. She loves it! She has a field trip to Apple Hill on Oct. 9th and she can not wait to ride on the school bus! She has anticipated riding on a school bus for several years. I think that is more exciting to her than the actual field trip. She is also officially a girl scout now! She started with her Daisy troop yesterday. She said she is going to do girl scouts forever, lol! She is a natural at ballet and is getting very good at it. She has the body of a ballerina and is very graceful when she dances.

Hannah is doing good also. She is silly as ever- where does she get it from? She is so goofy! I often find myself laughing and shaking my head at her because she is doing something off the wall. She is enjoying school a bit more but she still doesn't want to go in the mornings! She is really getting good at her handwriting and starting to grasp things much quicker. She too is getting great at ballet- it doesn't come as easy for her but she is putting in the effort and getting better.

Brandon is finally feeling better from his accident. He has been busy with work and counting down the days until ski season! He is so happy that the weather is cooling down.

Well, that is it for now. Happy Fall!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A real Kindergartener and much more....

Claire had her last day of preschool on Friday. It was bittersweet and I must admit, I teared up. I didn't expect this response, but really I should have. The teachers at Joy Of Children have given me such great support and love over the past 3 years and Claire has thrived there. Claire has mixed emotions about Kindergarten- she is excited because it is "real school", but on the other hand she is scared. Most of her preschool friends will be attending other schools, so Claire will be making lots of new friends. One week from tomorrow, and she will be attending "real school!" I don't think I am ready for this-it feels like she was just a baby. As I think back on these past five years, I am filled with a bit of regret. There are so many things that I would have done differently; so many mistakes that I have made. She is my first born and I am, in a lot of ways, much tougher on her than Hannah. She pushes ever button inside of me and instead of loving her and embracing her special and unique makeup, I get irritated and frustrated. I constantly battle with myself and my parenting abilities. I know that this is and always will be an area of growth....

On to other things- Brandon started back to work a few days ago. It has been an adjustment for all of us. He is dealing with it fairly well, and he is not in too much pain. I on the other hand, realize how grateful I am to have him as my husband. He does SO much around the house and with the kids. I miss his help! And his companionship- it is lonely in the evenings again! Back to routine....

Speaking of routine, mine has changed as I was laid off this week. This is both good and bad. Bad because we need the extra money and I need the time away from the house. But really, it is good. I am going to be so busy this fall with school (taking 21 units in the fall! Yikes!) and with MOPs ( coordinating it for the first time) and with our vacation (Disney for a week! I can't wait) and with Claire being in Kindergarten (homework, adjusting her schedule, etc) and with Hannah in preschool 3 days a week. My plate is full and not working will remove ALOT of stress and provide me with time to do homework and be with the girls. I will have from 10-2 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to myself because both kiddos will be at school. I hope to be disciplined enough to accomplish alot during that time!

Hannah is not too thrilled about attending school 3 days verses 2. She has been a preschooler for a year now and she still doesn't really like it. It is hard and structured and all she wants to do is play. She doesn't like handwriting because it takes too long. School doesn't come easy to her and I worry about this for her future. She is quick to want to give up because she becomes bored or frustrated. I need to work with her about finishing what we start. She would much rather play dress up or with her dollys than do any kind of work!

Well, enough updates for now. I have reading to do and the treadmill is starring me down!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Catching up....

This has been a busy summer and we haven't even gone on a vacation! On June 16th Brandon was in a mountain biking accident and stayed 2 nights in the Trauma ICU. That was a BIG scare for me and he is now home and doing okay. He will be going back to work at the end of this month. It has been difficult for all of us having him home. It is never easy to change routine. He is bored out of his mind and ready to return to normal living.

On June 19th, Claire graduated from preschool. She was absolutely adorable and I am still in shock that I have a kindergartner. It seems like yesterday that I found out I was pregnant with her. I can not believe how big she is and how beautiful she is. I am so blessed to have her and I am learning to be a better parent to her. She is still attending Joy of Children Preschool through the end of July and will officially start Kindergarten on August 10th! Less than a month away! Yikes! I am excited for her and she can not wait to begin school at Russell Ranch Elementary. I am a little worried about her adjusting, but I know that she will be okay.

Hannah is blossoming. She still likes to be the baby, but she is getting more of her own voice. She will start attending preschool 3 days a week to prep her for Kindergarten. She is looking forward to being a leader this year at preschool and is excited for some of her friends to join her this next year. I am amazed at her wittiness- she is always saying something to make me laugh!

I am busy as always but trying to find balance in life. I know that this time next year I will be done with my bachelors and I will be able to relax a bit! I can not wait to finish up school next May. It is not too far away!

Life is good and God is good!

Friday, June 12, 2009

One step at a time

I am in a season of change. There are alot of things about myself that I am not happy with. I know I can do some much more, be so much better. So I am taking one step at a time towards becoming a better me. I have been exercising about 5 days a week. This has been REALLY hard because I can find a million in one excuses as to why I should just relax. But I have been pushing myself to get up and go! Brandon bought me a treadmill so I have been able to workout and watch tv. Love it! I also got the Wii Active recently and boy is it a challenge! I love it and hate it all at once! I am really feeling my body respond though- I am capable of pushing on and becoming a stronger and healthier me!

I have also been going to counseling with Brandon. We don't have any major problems, but I know that we can be a stronger couple and better parents. We have been challenged to rethink the way we communicate and respond to one another. It has been good for us and while it is hard, the rewards are paying off!

I have been trying to be aware of the way I treat the girls. I have high expectations and put too much pressure on them. They are growing so fast and I want to nurture them during this time, not put a damper on them. I can be very harsh with them and I am focusing on remaining more in control of my responses and tones I use with them. I have a lot of work to do in this area, but I know that I can do it- one step at a time!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It has been too long

I have been busy this past month and can hardly believe that February is coming to an end. The months have been flying by! Life is good- nothing too new. I think I will do a brief update on each of us:

He is enjoying skiing each week and is so happy for the fresh powder. Sierra got 5 feet in a week! Work is good, nothing really new with him.

My precious little bear bear! She is doing great! She has been listening better and the sassyness is toned down a bit. I can not believe that my baby is 5! She is doing great in preschool and will be more than ready for Kindergarten in the fall.

Little banana! She is good too. She is loving being 4 and is feeling very big! We are working on her whining- man is that annoying! She is wanting some independence from Claire which is good. She is doing good in preschool- working hard and learning alot. She is quite the little artist as well!

I am now working part time THANK GOD! I had way too much on my plate and was stretched way to thin. I am trying to spend more time with the girls- it does not come naturally for me to play. I am also trying really really hard to stop yelling. I am addicted to it. This is my biggest fault as a mom and I want to do better! School is good, just busy as usual!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Check ups and what nots

The girls had their yearly check ups this past week. It went good until they had to receive the flu shot. You would have thought they were being murdered with all the crying and screaming they did! Hannah weighs in at 30 lbs and is 38 3/4 inches tall! She is on the low end for her weight, but nothing to be concerned about. Claire is 35 lbs and 43 inches tall. Again, a little low on the weight but healthy.

Brandon's birthday is on Tuesday. He is going to go skiing on Thursday with a group of friends to celebrate. Tuesday is also the day I have to pick up the registration packet for Claire to go to kindergarten. I still can't believe that we are at this stage..... it has gone so fast!

The girls' party is this weekend. My mom comes up on Wednesday, which will be a great help. I have a lot of cleaning and organizing to do around here to get things ready. Of course I still have homework and work that needs to be accomplished as well. Always a list of things to do, and not enough time.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Officially a Kid

I am officially a mother of a kid. Not a newborn, not a baby, not a toddler. A kid. Claire is 5 now. I can not believe it. She has gotten so big and it has gone so fast. I look at her and wonder what happened, how did she get to be so big! I feel like I have failed her in so many ways and I want to be a better mom. I want to look back on my parenting and feel that I have accomplished something and not hindered my daughters. I have really struggled with this and want to be so much more for my girls. So pray for me. That I can change and that I make an effort. I know what needs to be done, or rather, what I need to stop doing. It is just enforcing it.