Thursday, October 1, 2009

Too busy to be sick

I have been sick all week. I have the flu and it has hit me HARD. I am finally starting to feel better, but still sluggish. I have alot to catch up on with school since I have done nothing all week. I hope that if Brandon and the kids get this, that they get it quick so they aren't sick on our vacation. I also have to start getting serious about our vacation- a whopping 16 days from now. While that might seem like plenty of time, it isn't because we have a very full 2 weeks ahead of us. There is never a dull moment, is there?

Claire is settling into school quite well. She loves it! She has a field trip to Apple Hill on Oct. 9th and she can not wait to ride on the school bus! She has anticipated riding on a school bus for several years. I think that is more exciting to her than the actual field trip. She is also officially a girl scout now! She started with her Daisy troop yesterday. She said she is going to do girl scouts forever, lol! She is a natural at ballet and is getting very good at it. She has the body of a ballerina and is very graceful when she dances.

Hannah is doing good also. She is silly as ever- where does she get it from? She is so goofy! I often find myself laughing and shaking my head at her because she is doing something off the wall. She is enjoying school a bit more but she still doesn't want to go in the mornings! She is really getting good at her handwriting and starting to grasp things much quicker. She too is getting great at ballet- it doesn't come as easy for her but she is putting in the effort and getting better.

Brandon is finally feeling better from his accident. He has been busy with work and counting down the days until ski season! He is so happy that the weather is cooling down.

Well, that is it for now. Happy Fall!

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