Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Year

Wow it has been awhile since I have had time to write! What a rollercoaster the past few months have been; so very busy...

Lets see, some updates....

Claire- my sweet girl is now 6 years old. I can hardly believe it! She is getting too big, too fast. I am a little sad this year as I realize just how fast the past 6 years have gone by and how much of it I "missed". I want to be able to savor my girls more and enjoy them to the fullest! For her birthday, we went to the Railroad Museum in Sacramento. It was so much fun. Both girls had a blast and wanted to walk through the whole museum a second time. After that, we (being Aunt Jeanne, Grandma Debbie, Aunt Barbara, Hannah, Claire, and I) went lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Good food!

Claire is just so full of life. She is very curious and can spend the day asking question after question. While this is quite tiring, I try to remind myself that she is just like a sponge and she wants more and more knowledge!

Hannah- this cutie pie is keeping me on my toes! She is learning that whining and crying will earn her a time out! Hannah is insistent on wearing a dress or a skirt over pants EVERYDAY! We spend alot of time in "negotiations" regarding her outfits. She is very determined to remain a princess. She has specific ideas about accessories and hairdos as well. Hannah is finally enjoying preschool which makes it SO much easier to take her!

Hannah is so compassionate. On Christmas day as I was tucking her into bed, she began to cry because she didn't want Christmas to be over. It wasn't about the gifts; it was about the magic of the season.

The other day the girls were playing in the backyard and I heard the following conversation:

Hannah: Claire, do you have Jesus in your heart?
Claire: Of course I do, Hannah, do you?
Hannah: Yes, sissy. I love Jesus!

This was so sweet and sincere! It made me smile and think that I must be doing something right for them to have random conversations about Jesus!

Okay, back to updates....

Brandon- He is doing good. He is working hard and playing harder. Now that ski season is here, he is quite happy and spends his Wednesdays enjoying the snow! I worry about him every time he goes, but I know that he will be okay. He has been busy at work, which I am so grateful for. No worries of what is going to happen with his job; Costco isn't going anywhere!

Me- I finished a 21 unit semester on December 16th. It was so hard and I wanted to quit many times, but I persevered and got A's and B's in all my classes! In addition to school, I have stayed busy running MOPS and helping coordinate a Christmas event at church. I am looking forward to my last semester, which starts in a few days. I can't wait to be done with this program! I am planning on continuing on to get my masters, but not until I take a break!

We also visited Disneyland in October for a week. It was a great trip and we are already planning this next years trip!

For this new year, I have a few resolutions. Of course the first being loosing weight. I think this is common on most people's list, but I am committed to making changes. So far I am eating smaller meals throughout the day. This is a challenge because I am NOT a morning person and I don't usually eat breakfast. I am also beginning to use my treadmill again and hope to hop on the Wii and use the fit board or the active program.

My second resolution is to savor my time more. I feel that I am so busy all the time that I don't ever get to really enjoy things. I want to slow it down and not rush through life anymore- it goes fast enough on it's own!

That's it for now- time to get the kids in the bath and get dinner cooking!

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