Friday, August 29, 2008


Today was HOT! I mean, really HOT!! The girls were invited to a pool party and let me tell you, I thought I was going to melt while I was there! 105 was the high today-not so fun! I wish that I was thinner because I was dying to go in the water. Lets just say that I was a bit irritable by the end of the party. Thank goodness bedtime was right around the corner!

I am working on homework tonight. Brandon is working late and I am reading. I had my first class last night and I really enjoyed it. I was exhausted by the time I got home; it is a lot of information in a four hour period!

We are down to 27 more days until our long anticipated vacation. I can not wait to get away and enjoy time with my family. I am so excited to share Disneyland with Claire and Hannah. They are going to LOVE it!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Feeling anxious

I am feeling anxious today. About finances. I need to let it go- God is in control. I know that His will is perfect and that He will not abandon us. We are blessed beyond our means and all of our needs are presently met. Let it go Katie, Let it go!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I just went on a jog/walk for 20 mins. Man am I out of shape! I am going to start following the couch to 5k program. Today was week 1/day1. I really need to get in shape before I really get out of control. I weigh more than I ever have (even pregnant) and I am absolutely disgusted with it! I pray that I will have the stamina and stubbornness needed to kick my butt into gear. I am off to the shower now, as I am dripping in sweat!

Monday, August 18, 2008

A new journey....

I am about to go to my orientation for school. I am entering a degree completion program and Lord willing will have my bachelors in psychology in 19 short months. I am slightly nervous that something is going to happen and I will have to quit school (again).

I have been stressing about money today. I keep surrendering my anxieties to God, just to turn around and pick them back up! Ugggh! Why can't I just let go!!! God knows our circumstances- why am I doubting Him?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

40 days and counting

...until our fabulous vacation! We are so excited! The girls ask every day about it and what we are going to do! It is going to be so good to connect with our families and have fun!

Yesterday was our 5 year anniversary! Boy has time flown by! Brandon had to work, so the girls and I hung out- we went to the park and church. Brandon brought home dinner and we all sat down together and ate. After dinner we went on a nice walk. It was a beautiful evening out and it was nice to get moving!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Today was just another day in the neighborhood. Nothing too exciting. Claire and I watched a friends toddler and then ran some errands. Once we got Hannah from school, we decided that we all needed a nice refreshing Jamba Juice! It was yummy. The girls played babies and school while I made dinner. They also played church. Apparently Claire was the Worship leader. She had her drum and Hannah was on the harmonica. They were singing made up songs about God and Jesus. It was so precious. I thank God that their hearts desire is to worship the Lord! It was a blessing to my soul to hear them!

The Dreaded Drive

Hannah hates going to school. Once she is there, she has a blast. But, the drive there is grueling. It feels like the march to death row! She cries and begs and pleads to stay home. I hate it! I am always so tempted to turn the car around and rescue her from her misery. But, I know that this in not in her best interest. Preschool is good for her. It is where she needs to be. I know that when I go and pick her up, she will have a smile on her face. She will have had a good day.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Today was a productive day! I am finally feeling better! So is Hannah! Thank goodness. Brandon was off today so he played with Hannah this morning (Claire was at school) while I went down to a temp agency. I was not feeling motivated to go, but I knew that I needed to. I met with a lady there and she emailed me several skills test assessments that I am working on. I really hope that I get a job soon! I am continuing to trust that God is going to work this all out- He has a plan and I am committed to following Him.

This afternoon we headed down to the bike shop to look at road bikes. Brandon wants one soooo bad- I hope we can make it happen for him! Then we went and picked up Claire from school and the kids ran in the sprinklers out back for a while. They had a lot of fun.

I had a MOPs planning meeting tonight. It went well. We are making quite a bit of progress. Brandon had bible study, so the girls went to Jeanne's and watched Enchanted.

Tomorrow is a new day. I have quite a long to do list and I am happy for that. It is nice to be productive.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Its been a LOOOONG day!

Hannah is still sick (read- very fussy) and Claire is bored (read- looking for trouble). I am still not feeling up to par- I just want to sleep! I feel that I am hanging by my last possible thread! Thank goodness Brandon is off for the next two days- I need some help!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Soooo tired!

I don't know what is up with me, but I am exhausted! I can't seem to get enough sleep! I wonder if I am coming down with something- I sure hope not!

The girls are driving me batty with a gazillion questions about Disneyland! They are so excited and want to know everything about it! Only 54 more days....

Brandon is working late tonight- I hate these nights! The girls and I are watching Farm Kids in my bed- SOOO exciting!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

God is always at work around you

This is the first of seven realities in the Experiencing God study I am doing. God is working around me. He has a plan. Even though I don't understand it right now, doesn't mean that He is not at work. He calls us to follow Him- even when we don't know where exactly we are going. I am trying so hard to cling to this truth and remain in peace about this transitional time in our lives (yet again!). I know that He will continue to provide and His will will be done!

Praise the Lord for having a plan because I sure don't have one!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


It is HOT today! I am sweaty and irritable. I have been cleaning all day and I am ready for bedtime to be here! Soon....

On another note, we went to Concert in the Park last night and had a BLAST! We saw friends, the kids danced and ran around, and we just had plain ole fun! Next week is the last one and that is a bummer!

Hannah is sick. She has a headache and keeps getting hot then cold. I gave her some advil and she seems better for the moment- poor baby!