Friday, February 26, 2010

The end is near

I can hardly believe it, but the end of my schooling is near. Well, at least the bachelor's part. I still want to get my masters. But I digress. The end of this 18 month long journey is almost over. I am in a bit of shock. I keep wondering if I will really graduate in May. In my head, some unforeseen circumstance is going to prevent me from getting my diploma. That would really suck. And after I do graduate in May, then what? I know that I want to pursue my Masters in Social work, but the only school that offers that program is Sac State and it is very competitive to get into. What if I don't get accepted? I am planning on taking some time off this next year, but what if in the fall of 2011 I don't get in? My mind hasn't been my friend lately- I have been filled with doubts. I know that I need to let go and let God. I am trying. I am trusting that His plan will work. Mine might not, but His will.


NASA Haynes said...

It's always daunting when you are approaching the end of a chapter in your life, especially when that chapter is school because you have so much pressure to decide what to do next and you have put so much effort into getting through the schooling. There is no easy answer as far as what to do goes, but I can say that God will get you to where you are meant to be if you are willing to let him. Mind this is coming from a control freak who has issues conceding anything to God, but even in my case, He is faithful. I don't know if it will be Sac State or somewhere else, but you have so much to give and such a beautiful spirit that I am positive you will flourish no matter where you are. Love you!

ham1299 said...

OK. Wow, your blog is GORGEOUS! I love it! And I don't know how I'd missed it before now!

Congrats on being so close to the end of your bachelor's! It's an amazing accomplishment! You're right - you do need to give it to God! I'll pray for you!

Jackie said...

Katie!!! I didn't know you had a blog. Thanks for the comment on my igloo story. Good times, good times. And congratulations on being so close to graduation. That's a HUGE accomplishment.