Sunday, May 1, 2011

Not fun being a mommy!

Being a mom sucks sometimes. I never know if I am totally screwing up the girls or if they will turn out okay. I hate discipline and second guessing myself. Am I being to harsh? Should I have handled that differently? Do they need less consequences and more love? UGH! I don't know what to do about Claire's back talk and sassy-ness. She is constantly trying to steer the conversation, get the final word in, and cause me to second guess myself. On more than one occasion she has expressed that she feels like I love Hannah more than I love her. I really believe that she believes this and that she isn't just trying to get a reaction out of me. I don't know how to change her view on this, other than to just love on her. However she is definitely the more hard headed out of the two, and she needs more discipline than Hannah. Hannah cracks easier and seems to learn her lessons after a time out. Claire on the other hand just loves to continue to push the envelope and that brings about more discipline. Why couldn't kiddos come with instructions? I really hope that I can show Claire just how much I love her and that she doesn't grow up needing years of therapy!


Unknown said...

Hey, Katie, i wish I had some advice for you. well I guess I do, but it's just to start praying for her and with her about this. Asking God to show her and you why she feels the way she does. I' feel with you though. My 4 year old is a tough one and some days I jsut dont know shat she needs to help her heart be soft and open.
You sound like a wonderful mommy though, jsut that you are listening to her and struggling with this. Hang in there.

Carri Roman said...

Lady I am so there with ya!! Jesse and Matthew have the same dynamics....and as 1st and 2nd born too. She will not need years of therapy..don't believe that lie. A super great book is "Sheparding a Childs Heart" by Tedd TRipp. I focuses on training their heart rather on than changing their behavior for out of our heart our lives live. :)

Didn't know you had a blog. Excited to follow.

Katie said...

Daphne thank you! I appreciate your reminder to pray for my kiddo. I sometimes forget that I don't have to have the answers- I just need to surrender to God!

Carrie I have that book! I read about half of it a few years ago. I need to read it all the way through this time! I actually just pulled it off the bookshelf for Brandon to read while he is off work recovering from his foot surgery! Thanks for your encouragement!